“Spooky” Halloween Workshops
A 2-lessons thematic workshop series suitable for beginners to create beautiful flower design for your home and interior. 以萬聖節作為主題,兩課的花藝工作坊, 將絢麗多彩的秋色帶返家中。
Workshop #A - Velvet Pumpkin Spice
Dreamy & magical, we will be creating a fairy-tale style velvet pumpkin design using physalis, chrysanthemum and a variety of fiery colored flowers! Take it home and bathe in the beauty of their autumnal colours!
Date: 29 Oct Saturday 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Date: 30 Oct Sunday 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Fee: HK$3,000 (all floral materials included)
Class Size: Max. 6 persons

Dr. Solomon Leong, AIFD PFCI
AIFD Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge
Director of SOLOMEN BLOEMON Bespoke Floral Designs
Workshop #B - Nightmare Masquerade
Mysterious and yet elegant, we will be creating a “blink blink” dream catcher incorporating a floral masquerade with use of gluing technique. Give you a peace of mind by catching all your bad dreams from this spooky Halloween.
Date: 28 Oct Friday 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Date: 29 Oct Saturday 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Fee: HK$2,000 (all floral materials included)
Class Size: Max. 6 persons

Ms. Bonnie Chu AIFD CFD
AIFD Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge
Offer: $4,800 for 2 workshops if enrolled before 3 October