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  • Writer's picture SolomonBloemen

SOLOMON BLOEMEN AIFD graduates at the Society of Chinese members of AIFD Exhibition

We are so pleased to have 2 graduates from each of the year 2017, 2018 and 2019 presenting their works at the “To Live with the Floral Life” exhibition of the Society of Chinese members of AIFD held at Shenzhen ADC centre on 11/12 August.

A very diverse mix of styles and techniques! We are so proud of you and you have come so far in your design career!

2019- Jess Liu, Janet Lo 2018- Teresa Tang, Connie Wong 2017- Ven Lam, Fanny Lo

2019 - Jess was given a Ming-style chair to design with and here is her zen inspired styling


《官帽椅》早於明朝初期面世,其頂部形態像是官帽的紗帽翅而命名,以四出頭椅式展現高尚與大方的氣派;搭腦和扶手的尾端以直接直平截斷收尾,好比中國篆書書法收筆時尾端輕輕提起,不回鋒的姿態。 當官帽椅的「剛」遇上鮮花的「柔」,設計理念集結剛柔並濟的視覺效果。

2019 - Janet was given this baroque-inspired vase to design with, and her work features a natural approach with peonies as main flowers.



A tutu hangs on a traditional Chinese clothing rack. 2018 - Teresa was the mastermind behind this work.



The teacher of our Saturday fundamental certificated course. 2018 - Connie Wong designed this piece with multiple placement of wired wine glasses filled with gloriosa and fluid lines.


愛花、插花、賞花,與花兒相處能讓自己的心情變得安寧且美麗,靈感就會随處閃現,而惜花就如同珍惜與挚友之間的缘分與友誼,賞花也像是一種冥想,看到花開會由内而外的開心,賞心悦目的同時會给人带來分外的安寧感。以花與家居裝飾品相結合, 展示花藝設計融合和改善我們的心靈和生活素質

Our graduate from 2017, Ven was assigned with this patchwork armchair to design with. Her work is a piece that echoes the mix and match of textures and colours of the furniture, featuring Salic and Scabiosa seedpods and peonies.



Also a graduate from 2017, Fanny specializes in weaving techniques. In this case, she has woven macrame into her design to create visual contrasts with the furniture that she is given to design with: a tractor stool






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