Easter Herbarium Workshops for Kids
Calling all creative kids!
Ever wanted to develop your children’s artistic right brain?
For the very first time, SOLOMON BLOEMEN will be hosting a children-and-family workshop on 30 Mar (Good Friday).
Help your children to create their very own herbarium with dried flowers specimen and oil, which can be kept as a nice memory when they grow up!
Taught personally by Dr. Solomon, international floral designer, all our little participants will be awarded a certificate of completion at the end of the workshop!
Watch this space for more information about our venue and sessions times soon!
Cost: HKD$ 950 per participant. Each participant will create 1 herbarium.
Workshop size: ONLY 10 participants for each session (Max)
* Suitable for children from 4.
* Parents or guardians must accompany their children throughout the workshop.
* All materials used are of natural and non-toxic nature.
Workshops Date & Time:
30 Mar 2018 (Fri) 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Comix Home Base, 4/F, Exhibition Venue, No.7 Mallory Street
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Enquiry: info@solomonbloemen.com / 852-2521 1798
復活節親子工作坊 - 日式浮游花擺設
SOLOMON BLOEMEN 將於3月30日(星期五) 舉辦一連兩場的復活節親子工作坊,藉此活動與子女有更多交流及溝通,又能啟發子女對花藝的潛能,就和孩子們一起來參加吧!
由國際花藝設計師 Dr. Solomon Leong 親自授課,以乾花植物標本,再配上日本製成的精油,讓孩子們為自己製作獨一無二的日式浮游花擺設 (又稱稱Herbarium),放在家中非常悅目賞心。
• 工作坊適合四歲或以上之兒童參加
• 家長或監護人必須陪同孩子們一同出席參與
• 所有使用的材料都是天然及無毒的
工作坊地點:動漫基地 - 香港灣仔茂蘿街7號4樓展覽廳
詳情歡迎致電 SOLOMON BLOEMEN 852-2521 1798 或 電郵到 info@solomonbloemen.com