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SOLOMON BLOEMEN 花藝學校很榮幸邀請到知名的 Louisa Lam, AIFD CPFD PFCI 來香港舉辦為期4天有關 AIFD 美國花藝設計師協會的專業花藝講座丶花藝示範丶花藝實習工作坊丶美國 AIFD PFDE 精讀課及模擬考試。

Contemporary Japanese Designs

27 - 28 Jan 2018

The joy of floral design is universal, so why stay local when your outlook can be global?
We truly believe in sharing knowledge in floral design regardless of boundaries. 
With that in mind, we regularly hold international classes and workshops, featuring cutting edge designers from all over the world. This time we are very pleased to have Kazuhiko Tanaka AIFD from Japan as our guest demonstrator and teacher!

SOLOMON BLOEMEN flower school. Our concept of floral design ed...


SOLOMON BLOEMEN flower school. Why flower arranging and why SOLOMON BLOEMEN? Here's why!

Part A

SOLOMON BLOEMEN flower school. Our concept of floral design ed.


SOLOMON BLOEMEN flower school. Why flower arranging and why SOLOMON BLOEMEN? Here's why!

Part B

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