Chic Bouquets Workshops – [July - August] by Teacher Bonnie
A three-part series of seasonal workshop, unleash the secrets of making SOLOMON BLOEMEN’s unique gigantic bouquets incorporating the latest trend of packaging, seasonal flowers and foliage. Anyone holding these floral bouquets will definitely be the center of attention!
共三個獨立課堂,每一個課堂將選用時下流行的熱帶花材及葉材,教授SOLOMON BLOEMEN 獨特的花束製作及包裝。
Course fee: $2,800 per lesson (all floral materials included)
(Total fee of HK$7,800 if enrolled for all 3 lessons)
Offer: 優惠
$7,800 if enrolled for all 3 workshops in one go 一次性報讀三個課堂費用為$7800
$7,800 if enrolled together with at least one friend 與一位朋友同報讀 費用為$7800
$7,500 for 3 workshops if you enroll together with any of our certificate or professional accreditation course in one go 報讀證書/國際認證課及同時報讀此工作坊,費用為 $7500

Instructor: Ms. Bonnie Chu, AIFD CFD
Workshop #1 – Baroque inspired palette bouquet 瑰麗巴洛克風圓形花束
In this workshop, you will be learning the technique in creating a round gigantic bouquets of over 40cm diameter and various packing techniques to create a romantic and glamorous look.
Date: Thursday 21 July 2022
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Date: Saturday 23 July 2022
Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Fee: $2,800 (all materials inclusive)
Class size: Max. 6 persons
(Total fee of HK$7,800 if enrolled for all 3 lessons)

Workshop #2 – Modernist bouquet 現代主義琉麗法國風花束
A stunning alternative to more traditional round bouquet. Long stem foliage and flowers will be used to create this chic and modern bouquet. Packing technique will also be taught.
Date: Thursday 28 July 2022
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Date: Saturday 30 July 2022
Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Fee: $2,800 (all materials inclusive)
Class size: Max. 6 persons
(Total fee of HK$7,800 if enrolled for all 3 lessons)

Workshop#3 – Tropical Bouquet 熱帶風花束
In this last workshop, we will be exploring the use of unusual floral materials including tropical foliage to create a dramatic and cooling bouquet with a “wao” effect.
Date: Thursday 4 August
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Date: Saturday 6 August
Time: 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Fee: $2,800 (all materials inclusive)
Class size: Max. 6 persons
(Total fee of HK$7,800 if enrolled for all 3 lessons)