Floral design masterclass with ALEX SEGURA
西班牙奇幻歷程 ALEX SEGURA大師花藝課程
The Hong Kong debut of renowned Spanish floral designer Alex Segura. Learn first hand the latest in Spanish floral design in this evening workshop! From techniques to colours, this will be an eye-opening experience for all to learn and enjoy!
這將會是著名西班牙花藝設計師Alex Segura首次在香港授課 - 從最前沿的西班牙花藝設計到多種技術與色彩的運用, 給我們帶來一次嶄新的花藝體驗,機會難得,快來報名吧!
Date:10 JAN 2017 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Fee: $1,600 per person (all materials included)
時間:19:00 – 21:30 PM
Venue Address: OZO Wesley Hong Kong 22 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong
Direction: Closest MTR Admiralty Three Pacific Place exit
地點:香港遨舍衛蘭軒, 香港灣仔軒尼詩道22號遨捨衛蘭軒;靠近港鐵金鐘站太古廣場3座出口
Enquiries: (+852) 2521 1798 school@solomonbloemen.com
咨詢:(+852) 2521 1798 school@solomonbloemen.com

About Alex Segura
關於Alex Segura
Alex is a world class floral designer from the design capital of Spain, Barcelona.
His magical designs have inspired countries all over the world including Europe, America, and Asia.
He is the co-author of the book "Barcelona, floral architecture'
He has been involved in the Nobel Peace Prize floral decorations since 2006
Alex是來自西班牙設計之都, 巴塞羅那的世界級花藝設計師.
他是《Barcelona, Floral Architecture》一書的合著者
“ When I was a kid I discovered my love for flowers and design. This passion made me study floral art and graphic design and discover a world of techniques and skills that have helped me to develop my creativity and grow both as a person and as a professional."
「當我還是一個小孩子的時候,我已經發現了我對花和設計的熱愛。 這種熱情使我學習花藝和平面設計,以及相關的技術和與技能,幫助我發展我的創造力,帶領我個人以及花藝專業上的成長。」
Alex has over ten years of experience as a floral designer teacher at Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya. He has also taught courses and seminars in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Costa Rica. Alex’ goal as a teacher is to share his passion and knowledge with his students and teach them that with creativity, sensitivity and good technique there are no limits!
Alex已經於加泰羅尼亞花藝學校Escola d'Art Floral de Catalunya教授花藝設計超過10年。
He has participated in national and international floral competitions, the last one was the Intercontinental Floral Competition in Taiwan in 2011, and he is International Floral Judge. He did demonstrations in Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, France and Costa Rica.
Since 2006 Alex collaborates together with Torbjorn Akesson at the floral decorations for the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.
他參加過多次國內及國際花卉比賽,最近一次是為2011年台灣洲際花卉大賽擔任國際花藝比賽評審。另外,他在西班牙,瑞士,德國,葡萄牙,法國和哥斯達黎加等地作過花藝示範表演。自2006年起,Alex與Torbjorn Akesson合作,為於挪威奧斯陸舉行的諾貝爾和平獎頒獎典禮作花卉佈置。
ln 2007 he co-authored the book “Barcelona, floral architecture”, published by Stichting Kunstboek.
Alex has worked in the floral design industry for two decades, starting as a florist in different flower shops in Barcelona. In 2000 he opened his own flower shop in Barcelona and he closed it two years later when he became floral design teacher. During the last 10 years Alex has combined his work as a teacher at Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya with his work as a freelance Visual Merchandiser for
several companies.
而在2007年,他合著了由Stichting Kunstboek出版的《Barcelona, Floral Architecture》。
With Bea Beroy he founded their own floral services company in 2013, called 5 Sentits.
Alex與他的業務夥伴Bea Beroy在2013年創立了他們的花藝服務公司5
Video source from www.flowerfactor.com